As we grow older, we begin to live our lives on autopilot. We start doing things that somehow, unwittingly, become habits. Perhaps we form these patterns based on what’s convenient for us or create them because that’s what we pick up from our environment. Whether we’re stuck in these routines for health or convenience, they aren’t always the wisest choices we can make. Sometimes, we make our lives worse instead of better without even realizing it. Luckily, we’re here to share little everyday habits you could be doing differently that go a long way.
#1: Neglecting Certain Food Groups
There are many things in our lives we don’t have control over. When that feeling becomes overwhelming, one of the first things we realize we can control is our diet. Eating healthy is a surefire way to assert some order in our lives, and it’s super beneficial because it makes us feel better! But what if you knew you were doing it wrong?
Eating fruits and vegetables is healthy; there is no argument here. But part of a healthy diet includes well-rounded choices. You won’t give your body all the nutrients needed to thrive if you only focus on eating your greens. Many folks think giving up meat will make them healthier, but that’s not necessarily true. Balancing your diet with a little of everything is the healthier choice.