#14: Anti-Flirt Club, Circa 1920s
Are you a member of the Anti-Flirt Club? Well, Miss Alice Reighly sure was! In fact, she was the president of the club. You might want to join when you find out what the purpose was behind the Anti-Flirt Club. Reighly and a group of women formed the club in Washington, D.C., as an early anti-catcalling initiative.

The Anti-Flirt Club was created in solidarity with women and girls who had been “embarrassed” by men in cars and on street corners. If you look into it, the Anti-Flirt Club is an interesting glimpse into how many women handled unwanted male attention while out and about. The club placed a lot of responsibility on women and how they should act in order to discourage unwanted attention. If you’ve ever been catcalled, you know that you’re usually not doing anything to warrant that kind of attention.