#82: A Christmas Tale
This couple likes to get crazy with their Christmas cards (their words, not ours). We honestly thought no one could top the Power family, but this couple is giving them fierce competition! One year, they reenacted the biblical story of Christmas, another year they were a homeless couple celebrating Christmas, then they portrayed Santa and his elves working at a sweatshop, and another year they were inspired by the Walking Dead (remember when that show was a big hit?).
We’re having difficulty deciding which one’s our favorite, but it’s either the Walking Dead theme or the sweatshop theme, which is cringeworthy. Well done, Hanna and Toby, and whoever it is who plays Santa in each of these photos. Honestly, we can’t even be bothered to get off the couch for a family photo, and look at all the trouble they’re going through for the perfect card!