#19: Lying to Get Into the Army and to Get Out
Well, it seems like this Reddit user’s great-uncle had a bit of a lying problem – but in a good way! First, he lied about his age to join WWI when he was too young, showing some serious moxie and bravery. And then, years later, he lied about his age again, this time to fight in WWII when he was supposedly too old. This guy must have had some serious skills to convince the recruiters he was the right age both times.
Maybe he had a really convincing fake ID or a magic potion that made him look younger or older? Who knows, but one thing’s for sure – this guy was dedicated to serving his country. Maybe the secret to being a war hero is just lying about your age! Disclaimer: Please do not actually lie about your age to join the military. It’s not a good idea.