#12: Long Live Chewing Gum
We’ve all heard the myth that chewing gum stays in your stomach for seven years if you swallow it. It’s a very specific amount of time that seems just long enough for a young kid to be terrifying. There’s no way any kid ever voluntarily swallowed a piece of gum. If a kid swallows their chewing gum, a rush of panic runs through them.
This myth is just that – a myth. While it’s true that our bodies can’t digest or break down chewing gum, it doesn’t live in your stomach for almost a decade. Chewing gum passes through our bodies and comes out the other end with the rest of our food. However, swallowing gum is generally discouraged because it’s a choking hazard and can cause intestine blockages. Scaring kids with the “7 years” myth is just an easier way to get them to listen to your advice, apparently.