#6: Best Foot Forward
Many of our grandmas grew up in a time when appearances meant everything. That’s not to say younger generations don’t care about how they look, but expectations were definitely different for women when our grandmas were younger. This woman named Jennie shared a hilarious anecdote about her grandma that shows just how different some generations can be from one another.

One night Jennie’s grandma noted that it looked like a storm was blowing in and would hit over the course of the night. The first thought her grandma voiced out loud was that she better wear lipstick to bed in case her house blew away and she ended up on national news! We know she was half-joking (probably) but it’s funny to think that most young people wouldn’t even think to joke about something like this. It seems like Jennie’s grandma always knew how to look her best, and maybe we could all learn a few tips and tricks from her!