#22: Killdozer Rampage
This bumper sticker raises so many questions. Why that specific bulldozer? Why that particular amount of time? Why in Granby, Colorado? We looked it up so you don’t have to. This oddly specific bumper sticker refers to Marvin Heemeyer, who, in 2004, modified this bulldozer model to give it impenetrable armor. Dubbed the “Killdozer,” he drove it around Granby, Colorado, in a rampage.

Thankfully, no one was killed during the incident, with the exception of Heemeyer, who took his own life. However, many buildings, including the town hall, were destroyed in the strange incident that came to be known as the Killdozer Rampage. Knowing all that, we still can’t make sense of this bumper sticker, but we know it’s not someone we want to cut off on the road.