#9: You Never Have to Leave Your Cat Behind
It’s not like our cats need us around all day, but some cat owners can get pretty attached to their furry friends and hate leaving them alone for so long. We don’t know how those cats feel about this invention, but we can tell you it’s a lot more popular than you’d like to think.

With this kitty bag, you can bring your cat on a hike or a nature walk. Your cat can get some fresh air and take in the sights of the outdoors without sitting and looking out the window. We’re not quite sure how far you should travel if you do not intend to let your cat out of this carrier, as they will eventually need a litter box or some way to do their business. But this might be perfect for a quick trip outside to change scenery. Again, I’m not sure what the cat feels about this – but it’s perfect for the clingy cat owner.