This beautiful cat breed is best known for its silver to deep slate coloring that is referenced as Russian blue. This short-haired cat breed has a thick double [...]
Weird Things Cats Love to Eat
Has your cat ever eaten something that you just can’t fathom how they enjoyed it? Cats all over the world eat some of the weirdest things and today we’re going [...]
Abnormal Cat Behaviors
Cats do have some weird behaviors that we often overlook, but what about abnormal cat behaviors? These may be behaviors that your cat hasn’t shown before and [...]
Weird Cat Behaviors Explained
This is for all you cat owners out there wondering why your cat does what she does. Cats have some pretty weird behaviors and while some are cute, others may [...]
If Your Cat Acts Strangely, Don’t Worry
“Cats live for themselves,” - Rudyard Kipling claimed. They aren’t inclined to become attached to others. Unlike dogs, which wag their tails and run up to you [...]