#27: Ohio
Inbound moves: 49%
Outbound moves: 51%
Ohio retains its position as one of the states witnessing substantial outbound migrations, holding steady from the previous year. The leading cause for Ohioans to bid adieu is a new job or job transfer, followed closely by retirement, motivating 28% of those relocating elsewhere. Interestingly, the majority of movers, both incoming and outgoing, fall within the 65 and older age bracket.
While Ohio offers a relatively affordable cost of living, some residents find themselves grappling with the state’s unpredictable weather patterns. Curtis Williams, a former resident in Elkhorn, Blair, and Tekamah, recounts a rollercoaster of weather extremes: scorching summers with stifling humidity, fleeting moments of autumn’s charm, followed by frigid polar vortex winters, seven feet of snow, and then a brief interlude of spring before the relentless summer heat returns.