How annoying is it when people act like complete jerks in public? For whatever reason, some people like to think that they are better than others. And we are here to remind everyone that that just simply isn’t the case. There is nothing worse than when you see someone do something inappropriate, horrible, or even downright wrong in public. Whether it be speaking down to someone, running amuck, or, even just doing something you know you aren’t supposed to, these things have the potential to make others feel annoyed, so why do them when they are so easily avoidable? So we have compiled a list of different times people acted like jerks in public to remind everyone what not to do when you are in a public space.
#1: Drink Incoming
When it comes to hospitality workers, people seem to think that they can treat these workers however they like, purely because they are serving them. But at no point is that thought process ever warranted… Just because someone is wearing a uniform and serving you food does not give anyone the right to treat them with disrespect…
We can only imagine how horrible these people must feel. It is never ok to treat any service worker like this, no matter what they have done. Throwing your drink at someone is never an ok thing to do. The fact that these are two different occasions makes everything worse…