In a world where many people live by themselves, it’s no wonder that they might consider getting a pet. Not only can you get companionship and love from your animal, but some pets like horses and cows provide transportation as well as help out on the farm.
Not all animals make great pets, however; for instance, if you don’t like spiders, then don’t bother with an arachnid. On the other hand, there are many animals that you might not know make great pets until you do a little research and learn more about them.
Here are some animals that can make great pets:
1. Tarantulas
These eight-legged beauties are big, furry, and although they may look scary, most tarantulas are not poisonous to humans. They can live for years if properly cared for, and they don’t need to be walked or taken on frequent walks outside of the house. They eat crickets, too, so you can save a few bucks on dog food.
2. Chinchillas
These small rodents live about 20 years and eat their own droppings to get nutrients they might have missed the first time around. They need plenty of exercise and room to run around in an enclosure, but they’re great for sale in India watching.
3. Skunks
A lot of people might think that a skunk is not the kind of pet they want to keep, but if you’re brave enough, then consider getting one. Skunks must be spayed or neutered to make them a less stinky pet and can live as long as 20 years. Just think about all of the money you’d save on air fresheners with a skunk as a pet.
4. Turtles
Turtles are another animal that must be spayed or neutered to make them more desirable pets, but they’re still great to have around. They can live for decades and eat their own feces, just like chinchillas. They don’t require as much as exercise as chinchillas, either!
5. Snakes
Snakes come in a variety of types and sizes, which makes them fun to choose from for your pet snake. Some snakes never stop growing, while others only grow until they reach maturity; many even eat their own vomit. As long as you clean the cage regularly, your pet snake should be happy. If you can’t find a friend to keep it company, then don’t worry about finding a buddy for your new pet.
6. Ferrets
These cute creatures have been domesticated for over 2,500 years and have been kept as pets since about 700 A.D. They are social creatures, though, so it’s best to keep them in pairs. Ferrets can live for up to 12 years and eat both their own droppings and vomit.
7. Rabbits
Rabbits are great pets because they’re cute and cuddly, but don’t need much room to exercise or play since they’re fairly sedentary animals. They can live for up to 9 years, and like other rodents, eat their own feces and vomit to get nutrients they may have missed the first time around.
8. Horses
Horses used to be one of the main ways that people could travel; now we use cars and trucks, but horses still make great pets. They can live as long as 55 years and eat their own droppings as well as hay. If you need transportation, too, then a horse is the perfect pet for you.
9. Ducks
Ducks are another animal that people used to use for food and eggs; now we have chickens alongside ducks for those purposes (and they make great pets, too). Ducks are calm animals, which means they make good “starter pets” for children who might be interested in having a pet. They can live up to 20 years and eat their own vomit.
10. Snails
Snails are unique in that they don’t move fast or hop around like other animals on this list. In fact, they hardly move at all, but they make great pets because you can keep them in a small tank and feed them lettuce. They can live up to 10 years and eat their own vomit.
In conclusion, if you’re looking to be a pet owner, consider adopting one of these animal friends and enjoy your new pet for as long as it lives.