Is there anything more embarrassing than missing the point of a joke? Sure, we might not be in elementary school anymore, but that doesn’t mean we don’t get embarrassed from time to time when we don’t understand something. Thanks to this Reddit page, we no longer have to feel alone in our desire to hide under a rock for the rest of eternity out of sheer humiliation, because this kind of thing happens to everyone! So the next time you feel embarrassed by missing your friend’s joke or being unable to read between the lines, remember that at least it isn’t plastered all over the internet for people to see.
#1: Possum or Cat?
We have all mistaken one thing for another at least once. And like most mistakes, it can be somewhat awkward when the correct answer is pointed out right before you. But sometimes, we have to learn things the hard way in life.

This person will have to live with their mistake for a long time, seeing as people refuse to let them live it down… Even though this person recognizes their mistake and isn’t afraid to bring it up, internet users can’t seem to let it go.