Jimmy Donahue
In a plot that seemed ripped from the pages of a scandalous novel, the 1950s posed a new threat to the tranquility of Edward and Wallis Windsor’s existence. As Wallis embarked on a solo voyage to New York, leaving Edward behind to pen his memoirs, whispers soon began to swirl around her nocturnal escapades with a certain Jimmy Donahue—a dashing figure 25 years her junior.
Fueling the gossip mill with fervor, tongues wagged with speculation of an illicit tryst between Wallis and Jimmy, prompting Edward to swiftly join his wife in the vibrant chaos of the Big Apple. However, their fears were unfounded as they discovered Jimmy’s affections lay elsewhere—he was gay. The trio’s merry gatherings only fueled further speculation, with whispers of a sensational three-way entanglement.