It’s hard to explain the feeling when you meet a really majestic horse. The size of them is enough to make anyone feel small and helpless, especially if they are from the wild.
For the sake of making more people like you able to appreciate this beautiful animal, we’ve gathered a few interesting stories that might help you understand not only how majestic they are, but also what loyal pets they can be.

One time there was a girl named Claire who got lost in the forest and was being chased by a mountain lion. She was running as fast as she could, but the mountain lion was just getting closer and closer. In her despair, she prayed to God that He would send her an angel of some sort who would help her out of this predicament.
Just when she thought all hope was lost for her, from out of nowhere a massive white horse came charging at the mountain lion. The animal was so frightened by the sight of such a large and powerful horse that it ran away as fast as it could.
Then, with no warning, the big white horse started to change shape. It turned into an angel who told Claire to get on its back and hold tight while they flew back to safety.
The moral of the story is: if you pray hard enough and really believe in yourself, even an angel will come running when you need help getting out of a bad situation!
Another one time there was this boy who loved his horse so much that he wanted to name it something special like “Lonelyhoof” or “Horsington” or something like that. One day, his father ended up telling him the funniest joke he had ever heard in his life.
The joke went like this: “What’s black and white and green all over? A dead zebra!”

When the boy first heard the joke he couldn’t help but laugh a lot, and he still laughs whenever his father tells it to him from then on.
The moral of the story is: don’t let anything hold you back from having a good time! Laughter really can be medicine for your soul, as proven by countless scientific studies done over the last few years.
One last one time there was this girl who loved to ride horses with her best friend. One moment they were riding along, having the time of their lives, but the next moment something terrible happened; her friend’s horse got spooked by a bull and threw her off!
The girl quickly rushed over to her best friend to make sure she was still alive after all that had just happened. Once the girl knew she was alright, she let out a huge sigh of relief and told her friend to never get on any horses again.

When the day came that they got to go riding together again, her friend’s horse threw her off once more! The girl rushed over just like before, but this time all she found was a grave. It was heartbreaking to think that her best friend had died from being thrown off a horse, but she still wished she could have said goodbye first.
The moral of the story is: life can be tough sometimes! When bad things happen, just remember that someone out there will always care about you no matter how much time has passed or what has happened.
These are the three cutest stories of horses that we could find. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did!