It’s been proven time and time again that pets go hand in hand with mental health. While dogs are the most common pet to be promoted for mental health assistance, there’s much to be said about any pet. Taking care of something helps bring your mood a bit higher. Having a pet that loves you unconditionally can bring your mood higher.

Not only will having a pet cause your mood to be uplifted, but they will help you get healthier in so many amazing ways. Below you’ll find a list of ways pets and mental health go together. We hope this list inspires you to think hard about bringing a pet into your life.
Reduces Anxiety
Have you ever noticed that a person with a stutter will rarely stutter when speaking to a pet? It’s true! Something happens in your brain that causes you to relax deeper than one does when speaking to another person. Just the simple act of talking to your pet about anything can reduce anxiety.
Gives Companionship
People who live alone should consider a pet because this provides you with the comfort and companionship human beings need. You’ll find that older people tend to get a dog or cat later in life for companionship but younger people can benefit from this companionship too.

Helps Meet New People
People who have a difficult time meeting new people can rest easier knowing that their dog will help them meet like-minded people. Just a walk to your local dog park can help increase your friendships because so many people will be there to chat about your dog. Your pet will make conversations easier and meeting new people so much easier.
Adds Structure and Routine
It’s easy to slink into a downwards spiral of negative thinking and sadness if you live alone or don’t have anyone else to care for. Having a pet changes this! You’ll now have a pet that needs a structure and routine in its life. Whether it’s a daily walk, taking the pet outside to go to the bathroom, feeding your pet, or playing with your pet; having a pet will add structure and routine to your life. This will help you get out of bed and off that couch to be more active regularly.

These are just a few of the amazing ways that pets and mental health go together, but the list could get a bit longer. The health benefits of being a pet owner are well-wroth the time involved in determining whether you’re ready to own a pet or not.