The funny thing about life is that we get so used to what’s supposed to happen that we forget there isn’t a script. If we just forget about our expectations of what we should be, we’ll start to notice that all sorts of extraordinary things are happening around us every day. People took to the Internet to share the improbable stories that remind us just that. Join us as we look through this collection of unlikely stories that help us let go of our cynicism and believe in something bigger.
#1: True or False
We’re starting strong with some impossible odds. We’ve all been in that position, sitting a test while knowing that our knowledge just isn’t up to the task. Yet, far fewer of us have emerged from that situation with a 100% and a gold sticker. This Redditor deserves a triple commendation for their effort.
First, for the courage needed to enter a test without knowing the answers. Second, for getting them all right. Third, to figure out the precise probability of this occurrence. I don’t know what subject their test was in, but they would definitely get a high score in statistics.