Have you ever wished to go through life with the innocent, awestruck feeling of a child? Life is full of mystery and wonder if you stop and take a minute to smell the roses. It might sound like a cliché, but Easter eggs are a way life can jump out of nowhere and surprise you, and that’s exactly what happened to these lucky people! We’ve got to wonder the sentiment behind these perfectly-placed treasures, but we’re pretty sure it’s to get a smile and a chuckle out of the lucky one who finds it.

Can you spot the difference?
When you think of beetles, do you think of the yucky, creepy crawly, crunchy bug? Or are you thinking of the free-spirited Volkswagen car, symbolic of nostalgia and peace? Or maybe the legendary band? We all have different association to the word.

Apparently, if you’re the creator of this exhibit, grouping these two things together would be a great idea. Why not, really? Imagine how fun it was hiding this thing amongst a sea of beetles. We wonder how many people have actually spotted it in real life. That’s definitely an Easter egg hidden in a museum.