Check Out These Mysterious And Unexplained Photos That Confuse Scientists Even Today

by Shelley Thompson

This article was originally published on THETECHNODROM

The advance in scientific knowledge meant that it was now possible to explain certain phenomena that were considered enigmatic or were attributed to supernatural causes. For instance, diseases were regarded as divine punishments thousands of years ago, but now doctors are able to understand them and associate them with a specific virus or bacteria. Satellites and rockets have also debunked myths about what outer space looked like and what could be found on the Moon. However, various mysterious events continue to puzzle experts because they can't be explained using modern scientific theories, and some of these rarities have even been captured on film. From ghostly figures inside museums to never-before-seen animal species, get ready to be spooked out by some baffling sights.

Big Foot was seen in this West Virginia wood

The legend of Big Foot began in 1958 when journalist Andrew Genzoni from The Humboldt Times newspaper published a reader's letter in which they claimed to have found mysteriously large footprints in northern California. What he thought would make “a good Sunday morning story” ended up sparking the curiosity of thousands of readers.

Not long after, this fascinating myth spread all over the country. Some people even said that they had discovered an ape-like figure running through the woods. The picture above was taken in Big Otter, West Virginia, and shows a strange sight standing in the shadow of a tree, which some believe to be Big Foot himself.

This picture doesn't belong to a standard school trip

School trips used to be the most exciting part of the week when you were a kid. Every child looked forward to that one day when they would get a break from their boring math and history lessons. Besides, these trips presented an opportunity to chat with your classmates on the bus ride.

However, nothing in the photograph on top belongs to an ordinary school trip. It's still unclear why the institution chose to carry on with their journey regardless of the flooded streets, and why the children were asked to wear those odd-looking goggles. To make matters worse, a man appeared dressed in a diving suit.

A Civil War picture features something that resembles a dinosaur

In his recent Dinosaurs: The Final Day documentary, British broadcaster and naturalist David Attenborough showed evidence of the fact that the largest prehistoric reptiles have indeed been wiped off the face of the Earth due to a meteorite collision. The roughly 700 dinosaur species were killed in only a few hours.

For this reason, it's strange that these soldiers were photographed posing beside an animal that strongly resembles a pterodactyl. The picture dates from the Civil War, which took place millions of years after dinosaurs ceased to exist. Maybe it was a strange bird species, but it doesn't look like anything that's been seen before.

An astronaut appeared in the background of this kid's picture

Many of the most curious and interesting discoveries just wouldn't be available if it hadn't been for the brave astronauts who risked their lives and boarded the spaceships in search of knowledge. As you may know, these people embark on a year-long program to be eligible for space missions.

When the father of this little girl developed the film photograph he had taken in this field, he realized there was a mysterious figure in the background. Its white suit and helmet point to the idea that it was a space traveler. Though these trained professionals are needed, it's best if they stay away from picture backgrounds.

This Labrador seems to be the leader of its pack

Dogs are direct descendants of wolves. Experts suggest that hunter-gatherers used to give docile wolves extra food scraps, which resulted in the process of domestication. Wolves benefited from this behavior because it allowed them to survive in better conditions. These friendly animals passed on their genes to the later generations, eventually evolving into dogs.

This transformation involved a change in the animals' shape and personality traits. The alpha wolf figure slowly disappeared and gave way to a more adaptable behavior. Still, this Labrador seems to defy this theory. Surrounded by a circle of submissive dogs, it looks like the leader of a domesticated-dog pack.

A man's modern outfit suggests he's a time traveler

There are many details that one can look at in order to know when a photograph was taken. For instance, people's clothing and accessories hint at a specific time period. The same could be said about the look of the objects or electronic devices that are being held.

It doesn't take a historian to realize that a person sticks out from the rest in this black and white picture. He's the only one wearing modern sunglasses and an open zip-up hoodie that reveals a graphic tee underneath. He's also holding a small portable camera, which didn't exist at the time.

This lighthouse has a ghostly woman standing on its edge

Lighthouses were invented to signal marine captains and let them know that they were approaching a harbor. They also illuminate the path to warn them of dangerous rocky coasts. But these structures created to guide vessels safely also hold many mysteries and have always been rumored to contain ghosts living within their walls.

This lighthouse is no exception. As you can see, a figure that resembles a woman with long locks was captured by this camera. She's nearing the structure's edge and staring out into the sea. The person who took this terrifying photo is convinced it's actually a ghost haunting the lighthouse.

A man has a pet lion on a leash

Eccentric Spanish painter Salvador Dali had an ocelot named Babou as his pet, who often joined his master whenever he visited fancy restaurants. Naturally, customers weren't too keen on seeing this wild feline at the table and complained to the artist. On one occasion, he ironically responded that it was a painted house cat.

This man must also get lots of nasty stares when he walks down the street with his pet lion. The only place that is likely to have sold it to him is the Tiger King's private zoo. Judging by the look on his face, he doesn't seem bothered about being close to a carnivorous beast.

This horse was found standing inside an ATM vestibule

Here's another picture of an animal that isn't where it's meant to be. Horses should be in rural settings, grazing on some grass or hay. Nobody would expect to encounter one in a grocery store, shopping mall, or other urban areas. Still, someone found one in an unusual place.

This horse was seen inside an ATM vestibule next to a person's body. It's not possible to tell if the man was dead or fell to the floor after being kicked by the animal. Another intriguing factor is why the person taking the picture didn't offer him a helping hand.

Scary Slender Man seems to have visited this forest

Anyone who's seen a horror film knows that nothing great has ever happened in the forest. These places should be avoided at all costs, especially if the weather is foggy or the Sun has gone down. Unless, of course, you enjoy the unexpected or you're looking for an adventure.

This fearless group of friends was clearly bored with their routines and decided to head into the woods. When they looked at the picture they had taken there, they discovered a dark figure standing in the background. Maybe they'll choose the cinema or Starbucks as their next spot to visit together.

A ghost was seen inside the Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court is a royal palace located in the London borough of Richmond upon Thames. Constructed in 1515, it was the home of King George III and later became the venue for the Road Cycling Time Trial for the 2012 Olympic games. Nowadays, it can be visited with a guided tour.

As you can imagine, this historical site is protected by numerous guards that ensure no one breaks into the palace and steals any of its treasures. However, one day, the guards found a ghostly presence in the security camera footage that couldn't be explained. It was wearing a long cape and opening the backdoor.

This man's body was covered with cacti

Few things look more painful than getting attacked by cacti. Their spiky spines help these plants collect water, an essential function that allows them to survive in hot, dry environments. On top of that, they serve as a defense mechanism to discourage herbivores from eating the plant.

Unfortunately, the spikes couldn't deter this man from getting his whole body over them. He must've fallen into a cactus plant and really injured himself. If you're wondering how he managed to be involved in this unlucky and painful accident, so are the paramedics that are standing next to him.

This 1928 Charlie Chaplin movie scene includes a cellphone

Some internet users with a keen eye for detail have spotted mistakes that movie directors have made regarding their film's settings or wardrobe. For instance, the artistic director of the movie Little Women, set in the 1860s, accidentally left a modern plastic bottle in the background of one of its scenes.

But this picture belonging to the opening scene of a 1928 Charlie Chaplin film is even weirder. The woman seems to be holding a mobile phone next to her ear. These, of course, hadn't been invented yet. More than a mistake made by the director, this is a creepy, unexplainable sight.

This wheelchair carries two women dressed in circus costumes

The first wheelchair was invented in 1655 by Stephan Farffler, a paraplegic clock-maker from Germany who had broken his back as a child and wished to build his own mobility aid. Whether they're manually operated or electric, these valuable objects have been helping disabled people ever since.

Still, it's bizarre to witness two people in a wheelchair, as they were designed for individual use. What's more, the women in the picture above are both wearing atypical costumes, not to mention one of them is tied to the back and has her mouth covered with a mask.

A dad got stuck in this playground game

Although playground games are strictly designed for young children, some grown-ups wishing to take a trip down memory lane enjoy testing the equipment. While some, such as slides and swings, can resist heavy adult weight, others aren't that inclusive. This is the case with the swirly ladder you're about to see.

This poor guy wanted to try this game but regretted it as soon as he realized he wouldn't reach the bottom of the ladder unharmed. His wife and teenage son are looking in disapproval, thinking about how they'll get him out. He must've realized he's too old for some things now.

This tire found its way into the base of a fully grown tree

Just like the man in the last mysterious sight you've seen, this picture leaves you wondering how a situation ended up having a particular outcome. When this question revolves around a natural being like a tree, the story becomes even stranger, as nobody can provide a definitive answer.

What came first, the tree or the tire? Given that the branches are super wide, it seems impossible that a narrow object like a car tire could've been placed inside the tree from above. As a result, the most satisfying hypothesis is that the tire was already there before the tree started growing.

He's playing the guitar while holding his full body weight

Not only are public parks beneficial to older people wanting to get some fresh air, but they also allow the younger generations to be in close contact with nature while they do their favorite hobbies. Reading, jogging, or listening to music in the park are all great ways to spend a Sunday afternoon.

This young man went to the park to do his two favorite hobbies: playing the guitar and working out. Nobody would've thought that he'd do both activities simultaneously, though. If you look closely, you'll see that he's hanging from the exercise bar by his chin. Now, that's an unusual concert.

A man appeared in the background of a picture taken during his funeral

Besides being full of brave heroes and victorious battles, some war stories include creepy events that just can't be understood. When the First World War erupted, cameras had already been invented, so many of these rarities were captured on film for future generations to see and decipher.

A great example is this group photo of a funeral during WWI. The man who was being mourned was called Freddy Jackson. He had served the military as a mechanic and died in the line of duty. In the blown-up image above, he appeared lurking behind one of the soldiers.

This enormous finger could've belonged to a giant

Some discoveries have puzzled researchers because they presented them with evidence of new beings that they didn't know existed. You can only imagine how startled the first person who came across a dinosaur fossil must've felt. Of course, this finding led to a new field of study and broadened society's scientific knowledge.

The same feeling of shock must've been experienced by the person who discovered this massive mummified finger in Egypt in 1985. It measured 15 inches long, suggesting that the creature it belonged to would have to be at least 12 feet tall. Sometimes it's better not to know if something's real, right?

Three tigers took a relaxing bath in a hot tub

You might recall the picture of a lion that was dangerously close to its master. It seems as if people watch too many nature documentaries and forget that these wild animals could potentially kill you. Instead of running away, the person who encountered these three tigers chose to photograph them.

The animals aren't exactly giving him friendly looks. Given that they're inside a hot tub and there's some sort of structure in the background, you could guess they're used to seeing human faces. Still, tigers can't be domesticated due to their unpredictable behavior, so it's best to keep a safe distance.

A baby elephant was found on top of a tree

Here's yet another unexplained animal picture. Get ready, for this may be the weirdest one out of all you've seen so far. As you probably know, heavy animals can't climb trees. Not only are they unable to achieve this task, but they don't need to do so to hunt and survive.

This is why the picture of a baby elephant on top of a tree is astonishing. How did it even climb all that high without breaking the branches? If this wasn't surprising enough, the animal's sitting over a bird's nest. It'd be clarifying if a biologist explained how and why this strange occurrence happened.

This bear-ape mix was lurking in the bushes in Florida

There are many tales of mythical creatures that allegedly live on the Earth, roaming, flying, or swimming without being noticed. Every corner of the world has a famous scary beast that should be avoided, from the Latin American Chupacabra to the European Loch Ness Monster.

A woman found one of these creatures hiding in the bushes in the back garden of her Florida home. She summoned up her courage and took a picture before it could run away. As you can see, this ape-bear hybrid doesn't have the appearance of any animal we know of.

A spirit was discovered in a family picture

The first things that spring to mind when you think about special celebrations are probably balloons and lots of people having a whale of a time. Given that these gatherings don't take place too often and let you have your loved ones in the same room, it's natural to photograph the event.

This family got together for a special dinner celebration and decided to capture the moment on film. Only after developing the picture did they realize that a spirit-like figure was hanging from the left corner of the image. Though its face is blurry, it's possible to see that it resembles a human figure.

This watch was found inside a 400-years-old tomb

Archaeologists are used to finding the most exciting objects covered in dust. The best part of the job, they say, is holding something in your hands that was last touched by a person hundreds or thousands of years ago. However, this watch doesn't look like it could be more than fifty years old.

And, still, it was discovered inside a tomb that was believed to have been sealed shut for over 400 years. The tiny device indicates that the time is 10:06, and the Chinese archaeologists that found it say it had the word “Swiss” inscribed on its back. Conspiracy theorists believe it belongs to a time traveler.

There are three figures holding a flashlight behind these guys

Everyone went through a phase where they used technological devices to interview people or just make funny video recordings doing silly things with friends. With basic editing skills, you can create your own amateur documentary. These guys seemed to be having fun with their camera and audio equipment.

While the guy in the middle was jokingly pretending to interview the person behind the camera, his friends had serious looks on their faces. It's almost as if they knew that three tall figures holding flashlights would be discovered lurking in the background when they developed the photo.

There's an extra hand in this group picture

At first glance, this seems like a typical picture of a group of kids hanging out. You probably have similar images from your childhood that you can look back on with your friends, if you still keep them, or feel embarrassed as you reminisce about your questionable fashion choices.

The one on the right felt like a true rocker wearing his Slipknot tee-shirt, and the one on the left was definitely proud of his street-style snapback. Everything seems perfectly normal until you realize there's an extra limb. The thumbs-up next to the shirtless boy's face doesn't belong to anyone in the picture.

A man posed in front of a truck stuck in a tree

You may remember the photo of a baby elephant that had mysteriously climbed a tree. Though it seems difficult to believe, another gigantic thing was photographed in a similar place. There's either someone out there with excellent editing skills or some scary force that's moving objects into unusual positions.

Needless to say, there's no way someone could've driven that pickup truck vertically to reach the top of the tree. One possible explanation is that a helicopter placed it there. However, the question remains as to why there's a semi-shirtless man posing proudly in front of it.

This massive eel swam on the waters of Australia

Australia is full of beautiful animals, both on land and on water. In fact, many tourists travel there specially to watch the magnificent Great Barrier Reef, which has recorded about 630 sea species, and its famous koala sanctuaries. This next creature would scare away any visitor, though.

The picture was taken in 1964 in Queensland by French photographer Robert Serrec. It features something that looks like a giant snake or eel swimming in the water. If you look at its tail, you'll realize how colossal this animal is.

A rover sent to Mars detected light on the Red Planet

Curiosity, a rover sent to Mars in 2011, set out to answer the question of whether the Red Planet could have the necessary environmental conditions to support small life forms. When it reached its destination, nearly a year after it was launched, it took multiple pictures of Mars' surface.

The pictures were published by NASA, and one of them struck people as a little odd. In the background of the valley, it looks as if a light is being emitted. As you can imagine, nobody knows where it came from or what produced this Earth-like sight on a far-away planet.

This space mission recorded movement on Mars

Here's another picture that a rover took on the Red Planet. As you've read about before, no proof of life has been found on Mars because the lack of oxygen prevents this from happening. That doesn't mean scientists should stop sending robotic vehicles to explore the planet and collect further evidence.

The comparison between these two photos is unsettling. In the first picture, taken 3528 days into the mission, nothing seems abnormal. However, in the second one, taken 12 days later, a rock suddenly appeared in the center of the formation. How did it move, given there's no life on the planet?

Apollo 17 mission suggests pyramids are on the Moon

The Apollo 17 mission of 1972 represents the most recent time humans have set foot on the Moon. The three astronauts in charge had two primary goals: sampling lunar highland material and investigating the possibility of recent volcanic activity. This extraordinary quest was successful, breaking the record for the largest lunar sample return.

The picture on top was taken from an aircraft during the mission. It was initially too bright, so someone thought about adjusting the exposure, which uncovered a large pyramid-like structure. Naturally, this isn't a sight that people expected to see on the Moon. Conspiracy theorists believe it's one of NASA's closely guarded secrets.

These orbs aligned mysteriously in Phoenix's night sky

Though there isn't enough evidence to prove it, some people are convinced there's life outside Earth. According to them, extraterrestrial beings have been found to navigate the sky inside unidentified flying objects (UFOs), which don't get spotted regularly and can appear in various shapes and sizes.

The person who took this picture couldn't believe their eyes. It dates from 1997 and shows seven orbs aligned in the Phoenix night sky. Space X's Starlink satellites, used to offer low-cost Internet service to remote locations, resemble this sight. But the project was only introduced years after, way after this picture was taken.

This Renaissance painting has a UFO in the background

The Madonna with Saint Giovannino was painted in the 15th century by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Currently located in the Palazzo Vecchio of Florence, this fascinating canvas holds a big mystery. It depicts Mary looking down, while in the background, you can see a peculiar object that resembles a UFO.

If you look closely, you'll notice a man is staring at the strange flying object. Did people believe in aliens in the 15th century? It's common for divine entities to be painted next to clouds, stars, or comets, but this one doesn't have the appearance of any known celestial body.

A man allegedly encountered aliens and was left with body marks

You might have heard about Area 51, a map location that is the popular name for the U.S Air Force Base. Not only is this place located in the Nevada desert incredibly secretive and restrictive regarding its visitors, but it also prohibits planes from flying over it.

Some people have ventured to say that aliens can be found within the Area. The man in the picture above is Stefan Michalak, who didn't visit that forbidden zone but had ill luck somewhere else. Given that the burn marks on his stomach were laid out in an odd pattern, it's believed he came across extraterrestrials.

This massive structure doesn't seem like it came from the Earth

Sci-fi films and series have created an image of what a UFO should look like. If you had to picture it in your mind, you'd probably think of a disc-shaped aircraft with numerous shiny lights beaming from the inside. Well, someone actually saw one of these stereotypical alien flying saucers.

The picture was published in a Los Angeles newspaper and had readers in shock. It's hard to tell if it's a flying saucer or another structure that people pointed their searchlights at. What's certain is that you wouldn't want to find this haunting sight as you're driving home from the supermarket, right?

The Hessdalen Lights of Norway can't be scientifically explained

Millions of people from all around the globe travel to Norway to observe the magical Northern Lights. These captivating dancing waves of light appear on the night Scandinavian sky in blue, green, and sometimes pink shades. The best spot to see them is Tromso, a Norwegian city.

However, there's another natural phenomenon that takes place in the Hessdalen valley in Norway that's equally interesting. These yellow lights show up about twenty times per year, but, as opposed to the famous aurora borealis, scientists are unable to offer an explanation for their existence.

This satellite around the Earth hasn't been claimed by anyone

As you may know, satellites' uses range from providing Internet access, GPS, and television signals, to serving scientific purposes such as space observation. For this reason, they're helpful to civilians, government authorities, and the scientific community. According to, 7,941 satellites are orbiting Earth as of September 2021.

While some are public property and are launched into space by government institutions like NASA, others are private-owned. Surprisingly, the one shown in the photo above hasn't been claimed by anyone since it was discovered. Consequently, some believe it's being used to spy on humans.

A high pile of chairs was found between two buildings

If a piece of furniture gets broken and it's made of a natural material like wood, it's always advised to recycle it. Some people take theirs to an environmentally friendly rubbish clearance company. If it isn't broken, but you don't want it anymore, you could donate it to a charity shop.

Maybe that's why people left their chairs in that place. However, that pile is extremely high, suggesting that nobody should attempt to move them. The man walking in the bottom left corner of the photo gives you an idea of the size of that mountain of furniture. Hopefully, someone will find a use for them.

These security camera pictures tell a spooky story

Many horror films have been made that included scary sights appearing on security camera footage. Unfortunately, the following story isn't taken from a movie, but it's a real one. The pictures below show Elisa Lamb, a woman who saw something terrifying when she took the elevator at the hotel she was staying at.

Her body was found in the water tank of the hotel, which is why investigators decided to go through the camera footage. As you can see, she seems to be hiding from someone in the second frame. What exactly happened to her is still unknown.

A woman's late husband photobombed her picture

Besides finding the fingertip of the person behind the camera covering half of the lens, the next annoying accident that can happen when you take a picture is a random person photobombing you in the background. That last thing is what happened to this image, but with a dark twist.

As it turns out, the man behind this old lady wasn't present at the time she took the picture. She only found him once she developed the image. If this wasn't creepy enough, it's actually her dead husband, who had passed away 13 years before.

The ghost of a healer surprised this woman at church

Religion is an essential part of many people's lives. While some see it as a vehicle to be more caritative and help those in need, others find in spirituality the calmness or hope they need to undergo a difficult time. Also, many turn to praying to show their gratitude or ask for forgiveness.

This woman was sitting on a church bench, deep in thought, and didn't realize a ghostly figure was behind her. Her first reaction after developing the picture was to show it to the priest. He told her that it was the ghost of a healer who had been known to haunt the church.

This London museum had a supernatural presence in the staircase

The National Maritime Museum is a public museum in Greenwich, London, that first opened its doors in 1934. As the national government funds it, everyone can enter without paying an admission charge. There, you can find paintings of British captains and vessels, small-scale boat models, and, apparently, a ghost.

This picture was taken by a man named Ralph Hardy, who wanted to photograph the beautiful museum staircase so he could impress potential visitors. Obviously, he never expected to find an eerie presence holding on to the ladder when he looked at the photo again.