Picture it. It’s 3:00 a.m. and you’re lying awake replaying all of your most embarrassing moments over and over again in your mind. We have all had extremely cringe-worthy embarrassing moments in our lives, and most of us like to keep those moments to ourselves. Other people find solace by sharing their humiliation publicly with the world, specifically on Twitter. A Twitter thread recently went viral where people shared their most embarrassing moments, and so many of them are absolutely golden. We’ve put together some of the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) embarrassing moments that will give you second-hand humiliation. Feel free to share your awkward moments in the comments!

#1: The Cart Bandit
With the popularity of true crime podcasts, people are prone to be suspicious of people they encounter in their everyday lives, even though most of the time it’s uncalled for. This lady thought she was acting rationally in this situation, but it turned out her assumption just caused her to be incredibly embarrassed.

This lady was pushing her shopping cart around the supermarket one day when she got the feeling that she was being followed by a strange man. She started walking faster with her cart, and the man followed suit. She ended up being chased by this man- but for an entirely different reason than she thought. Turns out, he just wanted his cart back! While it’s good to be aware of your surroundings, just remember that things are not always as suspicious as they may seem.